Analysing Building Pollutants in Buildings under Protection Order
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Buildings under a protection order pose a particular challenge to owners and architects during renovation work. This makes it all the more important to carefully evaluate the options and the work to be carried out. In addition to the requirements for the preservation of historical monuments, any contamination from building materials must also be taken into account. Extensive renovations are planned for the old vicarage in Altishofen. Following an initial concept phase, which was held as part of an architectural competition, the expected renovation costs must be calculated in the second phase. As part of this, greengenieur was allowed to analyse the property's exposure to pollutants. In buildings that have been used for many years and have been partially renovated several times, sampling must be carried out carefully and special attention must be paid to hidden pollutants. The comprehensive diagnostic report now enables the client to budget for the remediation of the contaminated components in various renovation options and to tackle the next project phases.
Building under protection order: old vicarage Altishofen.
Sampling for laboratory analysis in the kitchen.
After sampling: Drilling site neatly sealed.